4 Dec 2013

Report from Sydney

The little bear from Skagens Bamse Museum is back from his big journey to Oz and has given me some photos to share with you. The birds on the window sill are rainbow lorikeets.

I Sydney boede vi højt oppe
- og der kom smukke papegøjer på besøg

From the window we looked over Hyde Park to St Mary's Cathedral and the Sydney skyline, which included half of the Harbour Bridge and the top of the Opera House. 15 minutes walk away and we were by the water's edge in the Botanic Gardens.

Vi kunne se broen og operahuset ved horizonten ...
ved vandkanten - Botaniske Have Sydney

Tim drove us to some viewpoints of this beautiful harbourside city - including over "the coathanger" and to the old military area on Georges Head.

Det var spændende at køre over den berømte bro
over Sydney havn ...
Gamle militær område ved Georges Head, Sydney Havn.
The little bear just had to try climbing a gum tree but decided to leave the gum leaves for the koalas. 

Bamsen prøver at efterligne en koala
- men Eucalyptus bladene må de gerne beholde, siger han.
This is my favorite photo - taken in the Botanical Gardens in Canberra. In the background is the tv tower on Black Mountain and the little bear is admiring the beautiful wild flowers called Starbright or Flannel flowers.

Canberra Botanisk Have - Black Mountain med TV tårnet
og smukke vildblomster - Starbright.

12 Nov 2013

Travelling teddies ...

Our small resident Skagen bear asked if there was space in the corner of my suitcase - I said yes - nice with a bit of company. So, tomorrow we are off to Oz for the rest of November! Says he will post a comment when he gets back.

Lille Skagens bamse vil med i kufferten
- rejsen går til "down under".
Han skriver
et indlæg når han vender hjem, siger han.
Daisy Bear is not going so far - just to Aarhus. There she will join some teddies from Skagens Teddy Bear Museum for the Christmas exhibition in the Junior section at ARoS. Daisy is made almost entirely from recyclables: newspaper (for the papier maché) and pictures cut out of old catalogues.

Bamse fremstillet fra papmaché og decoupage.
Næsten alt er genbrugsmaterialer
- avis strimler og billeder klippet fra gl. kataloger.
Og mindst 30 lag lak.

10 Nov 2013

Beary beautiful bear boutique

Always something new in the way of cuddly, cute or comforting in the shop at Skagens Teddy Museum. Bear(s) of the Year are on the shelves. Danish design. Frederik & Freja. Two sizes - 199 kr (30 cm) and 279 kr (41 cm). The big "bamse" is Ulf, a limited edition of 50 from Hermann - he is 100 cm high!

Årets Bamse. Dansk design og en populær samleobjekt og super gave.
2013 - Frederik og Freja er lavet af de bedste materialer
og er CE og EN71 godkendt. De er fri for kemikalier & flammetestet
Ulf - Hermann Teddy Original

18 Oct 2013

Creative days at the Teddy Museum

Teddy enjoyed his time at the creative workshop watching all the activity, happy kids and their folks, who helped out with the tricky bits. Vivi-Ann got her enthusiastic pupils working with needle, leather and felt making the cutest teddy keys. Others sat at the long table with Liz using paper, crayons or paint to make simple teddy bear prints on paper. (See previous entry)

Vivi-Ann demonstrerer teknikken

Vivi-Ann kom med skabeloner og udstyr og alle var
begejstrede når deres små bamsenøglering var færdige
Frottage: med oliekridt og forskellige overflade under
papiret, kunne man tegne spændende pels på bamserne

11 Oct 2013

Creative fun for kids

Creative fun - Teddy's workshop for kids - Tuesday 15/10 and Wednesday 16/10 during the autumn hols - 11.00-15.00 - at Skagens Bamse Museum. Using paper, colours, clay and other stuff we will be making easy, handmade teddy prints. 40 kr.

There is also an interesting design and sew a teddy-bear keyring workshop - Tuesday 15/10-Thursday 17/10 10-13.00 - with bear artist Vivi-Ann. 100 kr.

Kreativt og sjov værksted for børn - tirsdag-onsdag i efterårsferien. 11-15. Nemme håndtryk-teknikker - med farve, papir, ler mm. 40 kr.
Spændende design og sy en bamse nøglering værksted - tirsdag-torsdag. 10-13. 100 kr.

29 Sept 2013

Honey Bear cakes

Today found this easy recipe on the net - suitable to make with the kids - (easytoddlerrecipes.co.uk or allrecipes.co.uk) and tried it out - yummy. Someone unable to resist the delicious smell of homebaking ate 2 straight off the cooling rack.
2 eggs, 225 gr sugar, 240 ml oil (we found this too much so willl use less next time), 5-6 tablespoons honey, 225 gr sugar (again will use less next time), 60 gr walnuts (optional), 315 gr flour (used half wholemeal), 1 teaspoon baking soda, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, half teaspoon vanilla.
Oven 180 degrees C. A sheet of baking paper on the baking tray. Beat well eggs, sugar and oil in a bowl. Add all other ingredients adding enough flour until you get a soft dough. Shape balls of dough and flatten slightly for the head and body etc. Or use a cookie cutter. We used currents for the eyes. Bake until the edges are slightly brown.

Honning bamse-kager
Honning bamse kager 

2 æg, 225 gr rå rørsukker, 240 ml madolie til bagning, 5-6 spsk. honning, 315 gr mel, 1 tesk. natron, 1 tesk. kanel, ½ tesk. vanilla, evt. 60 gr hakkede valnødder. (Jeg brugte grahams mel og hvedemel og næste gang vil jeg bruge mindre olie og sukker).

Ovn 180 grader C. Bagepapir på bagepladen. Pisk æg, sukker og olie i skål. Tilsæt/bland alle resterende ingredienser. Tilsæt ekstra mel hvis nødvendig - skal være blød dej. Form bamserne eller brug en cookie cutter. Bag indtil lys brun ved kanterne.
Bears love honey and the Teddy Bear Museum shop has ample stocks - no surprise there then!

Honning sælges - fra butikken ved Skagens bamsemuseum

10 Sept 2013

An old cat on wheels and "cousins" from Australia!

The old cat is a Steiff from 1919. The teddy bear museum has good collection of really interesting, old bears and other stuffed toys.

Gammel Steiff kat på hjul, 1919.
 Koalas are not really bears - they are marsupials and like kangaroos their babies grow in pouches on mum's tummy. Originally toy koalas were made from kangaroo skins - but now mostly cuddly, soft, washable modern materials. 

Koala familien klatrer på eucalyptus træet og baggrund viser Tasmanien
og Sydney. To af bamserne
(i midten) er lavet af kanguru pels.

17 Aug 2013

Today is a great day for a sail ...

En god dag til en sejltur på havet ...

 and then perhaps som lunch at the harbour ...

og frokost ved havnen ...

7 Aug 2013

New Bjørn Nørgaard sculpture and a family visit

Last weekend I took the youngest member (3rd generation) of my human family to visit the Teddy Bear Museum. We admired the new Bjørn Nørgaard bear sculpture out front.

Ny Bjørn Nørgaard skulptur Lykkebjørnen foran Bamsemuseet.
Kunstneren og Bamsemuseets direktør, Jonna Thyggesen, har
gjort store indsats for at støtte kræftsyge børn på Skejby Sygehus.

 Then we looked at the displays inside - finding some favorites. In a little boy's opinion this meant any teddy smart enough to have some form of motorised transport. The new boathouse with play space was also a hit. 

Montren med Falkstationen og Postbud Per var en hit

Legebord i bådhuset

1 Aug 2013

Teddy Bear fun in Skagen for all the family

Skagen's Teddy Bear Museum is launching a new activity for families. Children can follow the teddies on their adventure through Skagen, looking for clues.  Read more on this blog under the Teddy Bears' quest tab.

Bamseeventyr i Skagen for hele familien

Skagen Bamsemuseum lancerer en ny sjov aktivitet for hele familien. Her kan man tage på Bamseeventyr og søge efter ledetråde i hele Skagen. Læs mere under Bamseeventyr (på bloggen her)

25 Jul 2013

15 Jul 2013

You might just see the bear family enjoying themselves in Skagen!

The perfect summer activity - ice-cream at the Iscafé. Or driving around town with the hood down.

Den perfekte sommer aktivitet - is ved iscaféen. Eller i bilen med kalechen nede.

26 Jun 2013

The bears' boat-house - bamsernes båd-hus

Can you imagine a finer house for bears? New at the Teddy Bear Museum, this wonderful wooden building has an upside down boat for a roof. It is in the backyard of the museum and it can be used to play in or eat a picnic in. There are also plans to use it as a mini-theatre or for story-telling. 

Bamsernes bådhus! Med en gamle båd som tag. En spændende nyhed i baggården på Bamsemuseet. Huset er til brug som legerum, picnic-rum eller som mini-teater.

25 Jun 2013

Bears in the news!

Racing driver Tom Kristensen

Artist couple Marie and Søren Krøyer - there is currently an exhibition at Skagen's Museum of Marie's work and life - so of course you can also see the pair at the Teddy Bear Museum

Kunstner par Marie og Søren Krøyer - akuel udstilling på Skagens Museum om Marie og selfølgelig også parret optræden på Bamsemuseet

5 Jun 2013

Who made the first teddy bears in Denmark?

The first teddy bear company in Denmark was started in Struer in 1933 by husband and wife team Hunderup. They were inspired by German bears and they produced many bears until WWll. Shortage of materials during the war meant that only used materials were available - for example old plush coats. After1949 it was possible again to buy new plush from England. However the father died, leaving mother, Elisabeth, alone to manage the production and look after their 3 school-aged children. Finally, after 25 years she sold the factory in 1958. Struer bears are hard to find!

Bamsefabrikken i Struer er Danmarks første producent af bamser. Den blev startet i 1933 af ægteparret Hunderup. Modellen for deres bamser var inspireret af tyske bamser. Indtil krigen var der fuld gang i produktionen, men med restriktionerne måtte man ty til forhåndværende materialer som plyskåber og velour. Endelig i efteråret 1949 kunne man igen købe plys fra England og udsigterne tegnede lyse, men så døde faderen og moderen måtte knockle for at overleve med sine tre skolesøgende børn. Efter at have holdt 25 års jubilæum solgte Elisabeth Hunderup fabrikken i november 1958. Struer-bjørne er ret svære at finde.

Struer bjørne

13 May 2013

Where do bears stay when visiting Skagen?

At the Teddy Hotel of course. People love to stay here too. Right next to the Teddy Museum! Enjoy Skagen courtyard ambience. In the high season 650 kr for double room - includes free entry to the museum. Booking: Skagen - Tel: 98442108 / Randers - 86442081

Hyggelig hotel m/dobbelt værelse ved Bamsemuseet - også for mennesker!

Bamse Hotel ved Bamsemuseet - dobbelt værelse - 650 kr høj sæson inkl. entré til museet
Nyd solskinnen i ægte Skagen baggård miljø

29 Apr 2013


The time has come to find out how this works - so I can start my bear blog ... I have been around since the middle of the last century (ah! you noticed I am a little well-worn) - but with a little help from a friend - I shall learn to blog so I can write about beary things for you to read.

Nu begynder jeg (en gamle bamse) at finde ud af hvordan jeg kan lave en blog om bamsemuseet i Skagen ...

Teddy arbejder på sagen - han vil gerne lære at blogge